I have permission to share this story because as my client said, ‘it’s too good not to be told’.
A few years back, in the month of June, I connected with Heba, pictured here, who had sadly crossed over into spirit. Heba brought through memories, emotions, how she felt towards her adoring and caring parents along with one ‘odd’ piece of information. Heba told me that she was with her parents to help them prepare for a birth of a baby and then proceeded to show me an image of Heba standing next to a cot/bassinet.
When I re-laid this information to Heba’s mum she advised me that she had tried in the past for a baby but due to a medical condition, it didn’t happen. Down the track the couple were planning on trying again with the assistance of further medical advice.
We both just parked the information and moved on to the next message Heba wanted to pass on.
On 12 August that same year (approximately 8 weeks after our connection) I received a message from Heba’s mum to say that she was 6 weeks pregnant! They didn’t have the time to speak to the Doctors. Heba was aware of this baby coming and gave her mum the heads up, so to speak.

I never know the information that I’m going to get, and I always allow the animal to show me what they want to. I don’t like to follow generic questions, I would rather the process come from the heart of the animal.
Sometimes, information does not make sense at the time of the connection, but it will make sense later on.
Today, Heba’s mum has a beautiful baby boy (well toddler now) and he has his own personal guardian watching over him.
Animals will never cease to amaze me. They teach us what unconditional love really is and they show us even when they have crossed over.
Nicole Elizabeth
